Kamis, 12 November 2009

Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengevaluasi soal pada materi Pangkat, Akar dan Logaritma dengan menggunakan metode Send-A-Problem


Each student on a team writes a question and the team agrees on the correct response. All questions are compiled and sent to another team. The receiving team confers and responds with written answers. The sending team verifies the accuracy of the responses and has an opportunity to discuss and clarify any questions that may have arisen.

does anyone have another source?
please replay

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

Analyze of Blind Students Mistake in doing Story-Matter to Mathematics Model and Its Solution (PKMP State University of Jakarta 2009)

Education of inclusive can be valued by form of education for all. Ideally, every student has right to take service depends on their abilities in all of materials, especially mathematics. For examples, the mathematics examination of blind students can be written by font Braille. In fact, the examination is written by sharp-sighted. The meaning is still less service depends on blind students’ abilities. Consequently, blind students are demanded to study faster and get match with sharp-sighted students. This inappropriate service make blind students careless to do story-matter or inappropriate to translating story-matter. Therefore, it is important to analyze of blind students mistake in doing story-matter to mathematics model and its solution. The program purpose is to analyzing of blind students mistake(s) in Inclusive Junior High School to translate story-matter to mathematics model and its solution. For getting the data research is used the method of descriptive research with qualitative approach, with research subject (RS) is RS1 (total blind), RS2 (low vision), RS3 (total blind), RS4 (total blind), RS5 (low vision). By the result of analyze of blind students mistake in Angle and Quadrilateral matter, is founded translating matter mistakes (fact mistakes) and algebra-arithmetic mistakes (principle mistakes).

Keyword: mathematics, blind, analyze, mistake

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Tanggulangi Tsunami Sosial

gambar diambil dari: createyournextcustomer.com

Tsunami sosial tampaknya belum berhenti untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Kemiskinan akan selalu masalah utama bangsa ini, untuk pemerintahan manapun, jangan sampai terulang diakan datang tsunami sosial menambah loreh luka rakyat kecil. Tsunami sosial ini berupa kemiskinan yang dapat dilihat dari sudut pandang kolektif masyarakat miskin. Kemiskinan sering dihubungkan dengan kebutuhan, kesulitan dan kekurangan dalam pelbagai masalah kehidupan. Kemiskinan berarti kelangkaan pelayanan. Kemiskinan dapat disebabkan alasan individu sebagai akibat pilihan atau kemampuan si miskin; alasan agensi akibat dari perilaku orang lain dan karena alasan struktural sebagai akibat dari hasil struktur sosial. Disini alasan agensi berperan dominan. Jejak pendapat Kompas tentang Jakarta 2006 menyatakan buruknya kinerja Sutiyoso dalam mengatasi kemiskinan kota sebanyak 76,6%. Namun tak dapat dipungkiri Jakarta memiliki program kartu miskin untuk perawatan rumah sakit ketika warga tidak memiliki dana sepeser pun. Akan tetapi, persoalan teknis seakan menjadi tradisi lama untuk mengurus pelayanan di rumah sakit—adminstrasi rumit, penjelasan petugas dinas kesehatan berbelit-belit membuat pasien mengeluhkan sikap perawat dan dokter berkelit remeh terhadap pelayanan gratis ini. Bantuan mengurangi kemiskinan sudah lama dilakukan pemerintah, banyak kebijakan dari pemerintah bahkan sampai berlangganan utang ke IMF beberapa tahun silam.

Kemiskinan dari segi lingkupan Jakarta, dapat dianggap dimulai dari tak punya hak para pendatang yang kepemilikan tanah pertaniannya menyempit, datang ke Jakarta dan menempati lahan ilegal; tepi rel kereta, bantaran kali, kolong jembatan. Jumlah yang menempati daerah ilegal ini bisa ratusan ribu jiwa. Disisi lain, pembangunan busway mewarnai kehidupan Jakarta, akibatnya sejumlah pohon ditebang, kemacetan setiap hari. Gedung dan mobil mewah, pembangunan mal biasa terlihat. Kontradiksi sekali dengan kaum miskin untuk memiliki sepetak lahan harus begitu pusing. Hal ini ditambah dengan sulitnya membuat kartu tanda penduduk lantaran sulitnya berhubungan dengan pemerintah. Ketika mereka menetap di daerah ilegal itu dan kemudian bekerja menjadi pengamen, pedagang asongan harus waspada dari razia dikejar tramtib. Bahkan menurut sebuah organisasi Swiss (COHRE) Indonesia sebagai salah 1 dari 7 negara yang melakukan penggusuran terbesar di dunia. Kendati kini, Sutiyoso menjanjikan pembangunan 1000 rasuna (rumah susun sederhana) dengan 2 kamar dan diharapkan bisa bebas PPN 10%.

Jika mundur ke belakang, alasan para pendatang luar Jakarta datang lantaran tanah pertanian tak memiliki lahan sendiri, akibat terhambatnya reformasi agraria agar kepemilikan dan penguasaan tanah dibatasi. Investasi dan eksploitasi sumber daya alam semakin luas sehingga pemilikan lahan pertanian terus-menerus menyempit. Namun, rencananya pemerintah akan melaksanakan reformasi agraria tahun 2007. Sekitar 6 juta hektar lahan akan dibagikan masyrakat miskin dan jika tidak dapat dimanfaat untuk usaha produktif, negara dapat menarik kembali pemberian tanah tersebut. Dengan pemberian tanah bagi masyarakat miskin, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka. Karena sebanyak 67% dari sekitar 40 juta penduduk miskin Indonesia diantaranya berasal dari pedesaan dan sejumlah keluarga miskin tersebut 90% mengandalkan sektor pertanian, solusi ini diharapkan reformasi agraria menjamin kelangsungan sosial dengan cara menyelesaikan sengketa pertanahan. Pemerintah bersiap menganggarkan dana Rp51 triliun yang awalnya dari Rp42 triliun untuk membiayai program kemiskinan tahun 2007. Rencananya diberikan berupa bantuan tunai bersyarat yang dialokasikan ke dalam bentuk pelayanan kesehatan dan kemiskinan. Sayangnya, BTB ini hampir sebagian habis untuk administrasi proyek.

Bangsa ini harus tetap berpikir keras bagaimana mewujudkan program mengurangi jumlah kemiskinan pada 2015 nanti. Banyak masalah yang tidak bisa terkotak-kotak untuk mewujudkan impian tersebut; pertanian-kesehatan-pemukiman-dan kendala lain. Perbaiki birokrasi yang rumit, perbaiki persoalan tata kota yang kini terlanjur semrawut, pendanaan yang transparan sehingga BTB benar-benar terealisasikan. Penanggulangan tsunami sosial ini tidak mungkin dilakukan oleh satu departemen, melainkan ikut campur tangan dari berbagai departemen, dengan tindakan nyata diharapkan angka kemiskinan dapat berkurang.

Pendidikan yang Terus Belajar

gambar diambil dari: www.usnationalslaverymuseum.org

“Perubahan pada guru akan mengakibatkan perubahan pada siswa. Peningkatan pengetahuan guru akan meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa juga.”
Koichi Ito (Kepala sekolah dasar Towada, Tokyo)

Dana operasional pendidikan yang besar dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM, penelitian, jurnal ilmiah, peningkatan aplikasi teknologi. Sehingga memang pendidikan sangat membutuhkan banyak biaya. Ironisnya, anggaran pendidikan hanya tujuh persen dari total APBN, padahal negara merencanakan anggaran pendidikan minimal 20% dari APBN.

Terlepas dari dana operasional yang tidak sesuai dengan impian, hampir setiap tahun, Depdiknas merekrut guru bantu. Berdasarkan data Depdiknas 2003, program guru bantu mampu menyediakan 190.174 guru. Namun, target yang dibutuhkan belum bisa dipenuhi. Indonesia masih kekurangan guru 427.903 baik dari sekolah swasta maupun sekolah negeri. Sebanyak 1,09 juta atau sekitar 60% guru sekolah dasar, 40% guru SLTP, 43% guru SMU, dan 34% guru SMK secara akademik masih berada di bawah kualifikasi standar sebagai pengajar. Angka itu bisa saja lebih kecil daripada kenyataan di lapangan. Pengangkatan guru bantu hendaknya berdasarkan lamanya mengabdi, kualitas pengajar dan pemerataan guru sehingga daerah pelosok juga mendapat pengajaran lebih baik. Contohnya saja, di papua yang mengalami kekurangan guru lantaran tak ada yang mengajar di kawasan terpencil. Tak ada jalan lain selain mengirim guru atau mendidik guru, dan tampaknya pemerintah perlu meninjau ulang sistem pendidikan guru di Papua.

Namun dengan biaya pendidikan yang begitu murah belum tentu bisa meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan yang setara dengan dunia internasional. Sulit rasanya membayangkan UNJ bisa bersaing dengan pendidikan tinggi di Eropa dan Amerika. Entah UNJ berada kepada tingkat berapa. Menurut majalah Times Higher Education edisi oktober 2006, UI berada di peringkat 250 yang merupakan peringkat terbaik universitas dari Indonesia yang masuk dalam urutan 520 besar dunia. ITB berada di peringkat 258, UGM berada di peringkat 270 dan Undip berada di peringkat 495. Peringkat tersebut diraih dengan beberapa penilaian antara lain adalah publikasi ilmiah, kualitas dosen dan mahasiswa, fasilitas atau sarana pelengkap pendidikan, termasuk penilaian pakar terhadap reputasi universitas serta tradisi akademis yang sudah berakar. Lantas, UNJ peringkat ke berapa?

Meskipun demikian, terlepas dari problematika di atas, tidak peduli UNJ berada di universitas tingkat berapa, tidak peduli dengan grade yang didapat setelah mengikuti kuliah, tapi apa yang dapat kita lakukan kepada orang-orang sekitar kita dengan apa yang dimiliki secara tepat. Seperti kata Istamar Syamsuri, Dosen FMIPA Universitas Malang, “ini bukan merupakan forum pengadilan, sebab rencana pembelajaran adalah milik bersama, karena disusun bersama. Semua pengamat melakukan analisis terhadap apa yang dilihatnya…,” sudah saatnya bagi kita selaku calon guru untuk mendorong, membantu siswa menemukan sesuatu yang baru, memerhatikan apa yang dibutuhkan dan kesulitan siswa. Pendidikan selalu terus berkembang, belajar dari perkembangan jaman, berusaha keras belajar menyaring globalisasi, dan tak lupa menumbuhkembangkan moral.

Referensi: Kompas, www. bem.ui.ac.id, http://www.depdiknas.go.id/

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Emberlin Memories

Mr. Edward Emberlin has been sitting more hours at Kemang’s Hotel. He became a speaker with the headline ‘An Introduce of Ecosystem Water’ and be invited by more audiences. Sandwiched tight in between, Mr. Ali Fansuri as a moderator and an active member of the environment wedged Mr. Ali and Mrs. Ratna Pratiwi as deputy of Lembaga Oseanologi Nasional.
“The applied of sea biotechnology on sea cultivation was using growth hormone or GH which could made the first generation more bigger than fish whom not using that hormone,” said Mr. Emberlin.
A moderator said, “Well, it’s like incident eight years ago, when hormone gen grow to human body to fish and first generation which had took biotechnology grow twice rather than fish which fish untouched the condition. However, what about if we catch much of shrimps-fishpond?”
“Yeah, that’s diagnosis and controlled the pain still become technique and economic problem,” said Mr. Emberlin, “Shrimps pain and fish pain which caused by bacteria and virus usual can’t be cut off. The vaccine is only use by two ways; by fish injection or dissolved in water.”
“Add ones for Mrs. Ratna,” said moderator, changes her eyes to blouse black women. “Truly, microorganism is potential natural resources; more bioactive materials consist of sea microorganism. Actually, the product of sea nature… what it is to be true controlled?”
The woman who has short hair was repairing her sat and said, “The natural product is not only bioactive materials but also macro and micro-alga. These materials are the product nature unfinished.”
“Fine, poorly… we have arrive on last session,” said moderator, smiled to more audiences, “though biotechnology still new to be explored but the used of sea biotechnology have to expand, especially for sea cultivation. Okay, thank you for all audience. Good Evening!”
Clapping sounds on everywhere.
Edward stands and shakes with moderator and speakers from LON.
“Thank you, Sir,” said Mr. Ali shakes with him.
Edward shakes friendly.
“Mr. Edward, have you time schedule now?” asked Mrs. Ratna.
“Yes, I’ve to teach this evening,” answers Mr. Edward.
“Could I follow to your place?” asked Mrs. Ratna, urge bit, “there’re must to talk, about this cultivation.”
He furrow his forehead, “Sure, Mrs. Ratna.”
Seminar disperses slowly.
A long time in the car, bring Edward and Ratna to a university on South Jakarta’s area.
“Do you know, red tide, Sir?” asked Ratna sit beside Edward, when they‘re leaving Kemang’s parker.
“I really hope red tide never happen in Indonesia,” Ratna’s hopefully. “I can’t imagine that Gymodinimum breeding and destroying fisherman. This system is really not consist of venom but it can disturbs the system of breathing, moreover whether higher density.”
Edward doesn’t really hear her, he doesn’t feel the point.
Ratna doesn’t either, when Edward is still straight sight.
“Mr. Edward, the point is, it’s about…” Ratna gasped, “triger fish.”
Edward gasped too and he was breaking his mobile.
“Triger fish?”
Their mobile is horned by more vehicles on the back of, but Edward doesn’t point.
“Yeah, Mr. Edward,” said Ratna, “The news say that you sold these fishes in Japan, Taiwan and another country commodity.”
Edward frowned.
“Whatdoyoumean?” demanded Edward.
“Balistoides conspicillum,” she murmured, smiled when saw her scratch face, “These fishes are sold out more thousands rupiahs, you know that.”
Edward soaked, heard the woman knows more about the fishes pakol-flower. More that she knows he include the cannibal fishes to abroad.
“You should know that theses fishes are going to extinct, Sir,” said Ratna, sharply.
But Edward gets faster to control his emotion, and his scratch-face become normal.
“I don’t know what are you talking, Mrs.,” said Edward, calmly.
“Mr. Edward,” said Ratna, as calmly too, “you talk with a person who works in LIPI-an expert of seas… And we should move again, Sir, the police on back of will be trafficking ticket your car.”
Edward, for instant, doesn’t believe her hearing, unpredictable his meeting can be pushed on his maker and worker which take a long time ago…
“Mrs. Ratna, if you want to discusses these fishes topic again, I probably can’t help you,” and Edward start again, moving his mobile with medium velocity, “where do you want to turn?”
“Calm down, Sir, calm down…” said Ratna, smiled, didn’t shock, “my point is clear now, right? I want you stop it.”
“Traffic what? The story was taken a long time, and I never remember triger fish if you don’t to talk it, it has been five years ago.”
“That’s the point, Sir, I knew that you include of this, but your students with your agreements research and be accommodating the fish with the research reason, you sold it with your students help.”
He jostled first, the traffic light move to red; he pushes the ram, make his car was sounded more.
“You demanded me? I’m very offended, Mrs.!” said Edward hardly, “You should to turn on halte and you can across to busway shelter.”
Ratna ignored his, she smiled.
Edward stopped his car on halte.
“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Edward,” said Ratna, and stand in halte
Edward ignored him and moves on velocity high.
“Pakol fish,” Edward was clicking the mouse, changing the slide, “Balistidae clan, lived on water deep and you know the most famous kind of the collector groom-fish such as Balispatus undulatus and Balistoides conspicillum is a source of devisa?”
Edward stood relax, wore longhand undershirt with combined by shirt, in front of Biology major students who looked interest.
“But Sir,” said the student wore red undershirt, “Balistoides conspicillum has cannibal feature.”
“At the beginning,” Edward smiled, “Balistoides conspicillum might unseeing because of that, but finally, pakol fish desperate with another kind of fish… that’s only one way.”
“Sir, I know skin shark can be used to leather industry and it’s very expensive,” said the woman student,” it causes by demand of devotee shark, this traffic commodity become expensive.”
He was walking front-and-back slowly in front of the teenagers-elders.
“Sir,” said the young man wore collar shirt, “could it be job side?”
Edward looked him, nodded, “I can accept that.”
“But Sit, isn’t called a project out part research?” asked him.
“Research, constant,” answered Edward, “is there any research not need fund? I’m sure you have a little fund to researching, besides the student task isn’t study, is it? I guess we can sell these fishes…and truly I’ve a relation who works on export-import…” Edward looked his students, “Fine, it’s up to you, I won’t forcing of you,” smiled.
The student changed their eyes, they looked interest although not really.
But that’s a start for all the business which Edward had tried since two years. He ever works on export fish and his progress salary help daily needs and his fund campus. After he decided to stop when appear the news of the limit catch of this expensive animal. But, after he passed graduate and planed to starting again to his students, and was think that it’s the progress knowledge.
“Mr. Edward,” said someone on back.
Edward wake up in his dream, and looked. A student man was talk to him in food court near to zoology lab.
“Yeah,” said Edward, “are you Andi?”
“Yes, Sir,” answered the student, looked happy when he was spells his name, “I want to submit my literary about the use of Bivalvia, what do you think, Sir?”
“Bivalvia?” said Enward, frowned, “Oyster?”
“Yes, Sir, I’ve new idea, Sir,” said Andi looked enthusiasm, “not only for that, sea cucum—“
But his spoke was cut by another sound from phone in Edward’s pocket.
“Mr. Edward,” said another sound.
“Yes. Who is this?”
“Mrs. Ratna, Sir.”
Edward folded his hand.
“Well,” said Mrs. Ratna, “I’ll be there, and I hope you change your mind when I and the police will come later—“
“The police?” Edward sighed, couldn’t believe his ear.
“Yeah, Sir,” answered Ratna, looked calmly, “don’t worry, Sir, we can cooperate together to stop these illegal traffic.”
Edward grimaced; his phone was felled by his hand and made the phone detached by casing.
Andi looked his lecturer, “Sir, your phone was detached.”
But Edward didn’t hear him, his body was cool, his sight was empty, but he can though, decided to take his key car and move run off.
Does anyone to crticsm my english?

The Independence Questions

gambar diambil dari: www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org

The independence usually celebrates every year, with a lot of ceremony contest, whatever just for fun or wishing money. The contest belongs to surrounding for us, with glamour carnival city. If 64 years ago, Soekarno was speech of independence just 2 minutes and has a relation with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru so that much strategies of Netherlands broke in diplomacy, and if read Bung Hatta Menjawab then “Independence of Indonesia is doing Pancasila, especially for social justice. Don’t talk only, do UUD section 33.” So, since this nation has been declared by Japan colonizer, there’re demanded of even distribution in every sector, especially for preparation natural resources, and demanded of the real forming diplomacy and more works.
Now, appear much of thinker: How does ceremony urgencies? We have stood 12 years in school yard just for respect the flag, is that another form by the controller of ceremony? How much museum of patriot is visited by families rather than malls? How are we near familiar with our great-grandparents? And how much salary aid for veteran since hasn’t money to meet their commander in out-town? How much veteran job change to be singing beggar? The government should to recapitulate veteran who still alive, and make easier administration in management aid salary.
A big nation is a nation which appreciates their patriots, a nation which has a dream and respects their forefathers. Nevertheless, the forefathers changes to be the old groups. The old groups look knows everything to control, and it was happen in Orde Baru. This year, it changes to clear young-old dichotomy in command. But, the dichotomy clearing is also criticized because it must get nice position in every sector. It’s receives that dichotomy losing just as utopia as so clean leader. Needing people as the controller of spherical building with is not only for sharp-sighted, but also for continue the struggle forefathers and make Indonesia good looking in International. This nation can’t call independence by poverty and silly, who takes a lot of works to guiding their people be smart.
Back to Bung Hatta statements, Independence of Indonesia is doing Pancasila, especially for social justice. Has this nation been fair? Our education should get fund 20 percent from APBN. The ultimate decision by Mahkamah Konstitusi granted Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia that 15.6 percent allocation to fund education has been broken, whereas has been take teacher salary. School shouldn’t give much reason for picking by the students. More than all, how are the people with first principle? This nation has been old for liberty, no one ways to appreciates and respects to continue the independence with each capacity, as Bung Hatta said, “Don’t talk only.”*